RGS Kindergarten Registration

Attention families with incoming kindergartners!

The Rollinsford Grade School is still accepting applications for kindergarten registration for the 2020-21 school year.  To get started, please visit our website  and select “Kindergarten Online Registration” to preregister.

A kindergarten packet will also need to be completed. Packets can be found online, or, if you need a packet mailed to you or have any other questions, please contact the main office at (603) 742-2351.

Additional Meetings this week: Library Trustees & ZBA


Wednesday, June 17th

The meeting will be conducted virtually and can be accessed online here. It can also be accessed by phone:  +1 929 205 6099

Meeting ID: 828 6794 6763
Password: 440078
If for any reason you cannot access the meeting electronically call or email:
RPL phone: 603-516-2665
RPL email




Thursday, June 18


(The public is welcome to join the meeting by following this link https://meet.google.com/rpx-bzgq-puj or by calling 1-424-265-2136  and entering PIN number: 568 001 143 # ‪)

Update from the Town Clerk

Please know that Town Hall staff are doing they best they can during these unusual times to process your transactions quickly and correctly. Here are some ways you can help us to help you more efficiently:

  1. Please review the information on the website. The most frequently asked questions are answered there. There is also a search button on the homepage to help you quickly find the information you need.
  2. If your questions are not answered via the website, please email us with questions whenever possible. If you do not have access to email and must call, please leave a very brief voicemail with your name and phone number. We will get back to you when we can.
  3. New residents: please email the Town Clerk.




Dear residents/property owners,

Due to continued uncertainties surrounding Covid-19, 2020 property tax payments must be delivered via first class mail OR placed in the Town Hall drop box. Whichever payment method you select, please be sure to include the following:
a. personal or bank check (no cash payments accepted)
b. bottom portion of your property tax bill – please include your phone number
c. if you wish to receive a paid receipt, include a self-addressed stamped envelope

To avoid accrual of interest, your payment must be postmarked or placed in the drop box on or before July 1st. For confirmation that your payment has been received, please check the self-service tax kiosk at www.nhtaxkiosk.com, or email me.

Thank you for your understanding. Be well and stay safe.
Andrea Cass, Tax Collector

Supervisors of the Checklist Meetings

The Supervisors of the Checklist Will Be Holding Virtual Meetings using Google Meet as Follows:

Friday, May 22nd at 10:30 am
Meeting link: https://meet.google.com/tqs-mjhf-sbt
To join by phone call: 1 401-903-3331‬ PIN: ‪346 751 024‬#‬‬

Tuesday, June 2nd at 7:00pm
Meeting link: https://meet.google.com/xjr-johg-psz
To join by phone call: 1 501-991-4121‬ PIN: ‪981 793 951‬#‬‬

If you wish to change party affiliation for September elections the last time to do so is Supervisors Meeting at 7:00 p.m. on June 2nd. Change Affiliation forms are available by contacting town hall and asking to have a form mailed to you. You may also print out the attached form and return it in an envelope marked Supervisors of Checklists to the town hall drop box by June 2nd.

There is no physical location for these meetings.