Police Space Needs Committee Openings

The Select Board is seeking volunteers from the community to serve on the space needs committee.

 As you may recall, a proposal was brought forth to construct a police station with town offices on Silver Street. That proposal was not placed on to the ballot because the public and Select Board felt there were a number of unanswered questions that needed to be addressed. The reinstatement of the Space Needs Committee is an effort to find as many answers to those questions as possible. The charge of the Committee can be found here or at the Town office.

Medicine Take Back Day

Do you have old medications (over the counter or prescription) and want to get rid of them?  If so, please participate in the DEA Drug Take Back Program.
The Rollinsford Police Department will be open Saturday, April 27, from 10 am to 2 pm to collect
unwanted medications for disposal.  If you are unable to come to the station during that time, please call our dispatch center at 742-2724 and an Officer will be dispatched to you to collect the items.
Old medications should never be disposed of in the trash or flushing down the toilet.


The Town of Rollinsford Select Board will be holding two public hearings on Monday, January 14, 2019 at the Rollinsford American Legion on Foundry Street. The first, at 6:00 pm, will be regarding the bonding of approximately $2.4 million dollars for a new combined Police Station/Town Office facility at 472 Silver Street. The second will commence at 6:30 pm or immediately following the previous public hearing and will address proposed changes to the Housing Standards Ordinance in reference to nuisance properties. Details of both proposals are available at the town office.

The Select Board’s regular weekly meeting will commence immediately following the public hearings at the same location.

Winter Parking Ban

A winter parking ban goes into effect November 15th and prohibits vehicles from parking on any street between 12 AM and 6 AM regardless of the weather conditions. Vehicles found in violation are subject to ticketing and towing at the owner’s expense. Vehicles found hindering snow removal operations will be ticketed and towed at the owners expense.

To receive notifications of daytime snow emergency parking bans, click here

Holiday Food Baskets

Once again the Rollinsford Police Benevolent Association will be distributing full holiday meal baskets at Thanksgiving and Christmas to those less fortunate.  The RPBA is looking for donations of frozen turkeys, canned goods, boxes of stuffing, cash or grocery store gift cards.  For more information about the program, or should you know someone who could use a holiday food basket this season, please contact Chief Bob Ducharme at 742-8549, ext 303 or via email.

Drug Take Back Day 10.27.18

On Saturday, October 27, the Rollinsford Police Department will be participating in the DEA Take Back Drug Campaign.  The PD will be open from 10 am to 2 pm so residents can drop off unwanted, outdated, medications, pills, etc.,  no questions asked.

If  you are unable to make it to the pd that day, you can make arrangements for pickup or drop off at the pd that is convenient to you by calling our dispatch center at 742-2724 or by emailing Chief Bob Ducharme.

Lets keep these items out of the hands of people who should not have them.

Emergency Alert System Test

On Wednesday, October 3, beginning at 2:18 pm, there will a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System and the National Wireless Emergency Alert System.  Some cell phone subscribers may receive a message that reads THIS IS A TEST OF THE NATIONAL EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEM.  NO ACTION IS NEEDED, along with an alert tone.
The WEA and EAS systems provide national warning in the event of dangerous weather, missing children,and other critical situations, and provides the President with the communications capability to address the nation during a national emergency.
Do not be concerned if you receive the message as it is ONLY A TEST

Deer Call List

The Police Department is looking to update the Deer Call List. The PD is looking for anyone who is interested in recovering fresh dead deer that may have been hit by a vehicle. Must be able to be reached by phone and have adequate transportation to remove the deer. Anyone interested in being added to the list, please contact Chief Robert Ducharme at 742-8549, ext 303, or via email. MUST be a NH resident.

RPD to Host Firearms Safety Class

The Rollinsford Police Department will host a Civilian Firearms Safety Class on Thursday, October 4, at 6 pm followed by range time on Saturday, October 6.  Firearms will be provided by the PD if the participants do not have one. Class size is limited, so please contact Chief Robert Ducharme at 742-8549, ext 303 or at rducharme@rollinsfsordpolice,org to sign up or if you have any questions.