Political Signage

It is illegal to remove or damage any political sign.

Should you have a complaint about the placement of a sign, please contact the Rollinsford Police Department.

There are significant penalties should anyone remove or damage a sign without authorization.

Holiday Food Baskets by the RPBA

The Rollinsford Police Benevolent Association will be distributing food baskets to the less fortunate for Thanksgiving and Christmas, a service we began in 1983. 

 The RPBA is accepting donations for the Annual Holiday Food Basket Program. Items needed: cash, Market Basket gift cards, non perishable items such as canned vegetables, canned pie fillings, canned gravy, canned cranberry jelly/sauce. 

 Please contact Chief Robert Ducharme at 742-8549, ext. 303, or at [email protected] for more information or to arrange for delivery to the station or pickup. 

 Should you know of a deserving Rollinsford family please contact the Chief. 

 The RPBA is a non profit charitable organization and is registered as such with the NH Attorney General and the IRS.


There will be a parking ban in effect on October 31st from 7.30am till 6pm in the down town area. This will include: Front Street, South Street, Cross Street, Second Street, Third Street and Fourth Street. This will be to do line striping on the newly paved roads.

Drug Take Back Day

The Rollinsford Police Department is participating in the National Takeback Initiative where residents can drop off unwanted/unused medications and drugs for disposal at the Police Department on Saturday, October 22, from 10 am to 2 pm.

Family Fun Day Schedule 

Salmon Falls Family Fun Day 2016 Rollinsford American Legion

Foundry Street

Sunday, September 25

Noon – 8:00PM for fireworks!

Join us after the Salmon Run 5K – and keep the fun going until the sun goes down!

Activities are all day 12:00 – 4:00 in Ball Field –certain performances time listed below

Scavenger hunt – Pick up your clues at the Library table and head to the trail

behind the community garden.

Kids’ carnival games and Picture taking displays  

Arch – Try your luck with graces, ball and cup, bowling and maybe hoop and stick.  

Chris Benedetto – Will be dressing as a Revolutionary War soldier since it is the 240th anniversary of 1776. He will be doing drills and firing a few times (with blanks of course). Also, one of their board members will be doing a presentation as a World War I soldier since the American Legion is partly named after William Martel, who was killed in France in 1918.

Concessions $$$, 50/50 raffle $$$

Rollinsford Community Garden – Selling Grilled Corn $$$

Linda Watson Selling Shaved Ice $$$

Cookie baking contest –vote for your favorite 1PM-4PM – Legion Hall -prizes

Scarecrow decorating contest – vote for your favorite 1PM -4PM – Outside of hall-prizes

 Garrison Players Youth– Performing songs from “Little Mermaid” 12:30 Legion Hall

Belletete Ballet- Dance Performance 1:30 Legion Hall

Fire Department field games 1PM Ballfield

Wildlife Encounters – Sponsored by Rollinsford Education Foundation and Linda Watson 3PM Ballfield

Police-sponsored spaghetti dinner (5-6:30) Legion Hall 

Music during dinner performed by: June and the Honey Badgers (5-6:30) Legion Hall

DJ – Patrick Gale & street dancing (6:30-8:00)


Many exciting activities are planned to bring our local families and neighbors together!! To end the day with a bang, we’re bringing back the tradition of an amazing fireworks display over the Salmon Falls River.

Thank you to the local businesses for their donations and town organizations who have donated time to make this event a reality!