Select Board Public Hearing

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

6:00 PM at the Rollinsford Town Hall

The Select Board will be holding a hearing regarding a petition warrant article received to be placed on the ballot in March:

Shall we adopt the provisions of RSA 40:13 (known as SB2) to allow official ballot voting on all issues before the Town of Rollinsford on the second Tuesday of March?

Reminder: Town Election Filing Period Ends Friday, 5PM

Declaration of Candidacy is available at Town Office for the following positions: 

  • One Select Board member and overseer of the poor for (3) three year term;
  • One Town Clerk for (3) year term;
  • One Town Treasurer for (1) one year term;
  • One Chief of the Fire Department for (1) one year term;
  • Three members of the Budget Committee for (3) three year term;
  • One Trustee of the Trust Funds for (3) three year term;
  • One Trustee of the Library Trust for (3) three year term;
  • One Trustee of the Library Trust for (2) two year term;
  • One Trustee of the Cemetery Trust for (3) three year term

The filing period opens January 24, 2018 and closes February 2, 2018

Town Office business hours: Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri 9-1 and Thurs 3-7pm

Special Sign-up Session will be held: Friday, February 2, 2018 from 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Town Elections: Open Positions & Candidacy Filing Deadline

Declaration of Candidacy is available at Town Office for the following positions:

  • One Select Board member and overseer of the poor for (3) three year term;
  • One Town Clerk for (3) year term;
  • One Town Treasurer for (1) one year term;
  • One Chief of the Fire Department for (1) one year term;
  • One Town Moderator for (1) year term;
  • Three members of the Budget Committee for (3) three year term;
  • One Trustee of the Trust Funds for (3) three year term;
  • Two Trustee of the Library Trust for (3) three year term;
  • One Trustee of the Cemetery Trust for (3) three year

The filing period opens January 24, 2018 and closes February 2, 2018

Town Office business hours: Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri 9-1 and Thurs 3-7pm

Special Sign-up Session will be held: Friday, February 3, 2018 from 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Safety Issues on Portland Avenue

The Select Board is once again reviewing safety issues on Portland Avenue and has invited Traffic Engineer William Lambert from the NH Department of Transportation to review these issues with the Board on Monday, January 22, as part of the Board’s regular Monday meeting.    We hope to start this part of the meeting close to 7:00.


As always, the public can attend all meetings of the Select Board but please note that this is not a public hearing.   We may choose to open up the meeting for a very brief time for some public comments but we will also be cognizant of the need to return to the rest of our business agenda.


New Transfer Station Fee Schedule

Ordinance 93-1 Transfer Station – Fee Schedule

  • Effective January 1, 2015, transfer station stickers will cost $10 per sticker; the stickers will be in effect for one calendar year.   The cost of an additional sticker will be $5.
  • Effective November 20, 2017, transfer station disposal fees have changed per the chart below.   
Type Item Current Fee
Construction and Demolition
Minimum Fee $5.00
Small Pickup/Small Trailer $20.00
Full Size Pickup (6 ft Trailer) $35.00
Full Size Pickup (8 ft Trailer) $45.00
One Ton Dump $60.00
Per Square (3 bundles or 10×10  roof area) $10.00
Bulky Items
Sofa $25.00
Sleeper Sofa $35.00
Stuffed Chair $15.00
Mattress:  King $20.00
Mattress:  Queen/Double/Single $15.00
Box Spring:  King/Queen $15.00
Box Spring:  Double/Single $10.00
Carpet/Carpet Pad $15.00
Car Seats $5.00
Vacuums $5.00
TV:   20″ or larger $10.00
TV: < 20″ $5.00
Computer Monitor:  CRT $10.00
Computer Monitor:  Flat screen $5.00
Computer Tower $5.00
Fax Machine $5.00
Printers $5.00
DVD/VCRs $5.00
White Goods
With freon (e.g. refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners) $20.00
Without freeon (e.g. dehumidifers, humidifers) $15.00
Microwaves $10.00
Fluorescent Light Ballast $5.00
Propane Cylinders
<= 20 Pounds $2.00
Car/Pickup $3.00
Car/Pickup Wheel $5.00
Construction Truck $20.00
Heavy Equipment $50.00

Per Action of Select Board, 11/20/2017