The Capital Improvement Plan Committee will be meeting at 6:00pm on:
Thursday, October 5th
Thursday, October 12th
Both meetings will be at the Town Hall.
The Capital Improvement Plan Committee will be meeting at 6:00pm on:
Thursday, October 5th
Thursday, October 12th
Both meetings will be at the Town Hall.
The Select Board will be meeting to work on the FY18 budget
Monday, September 18th at 8:00am
at the Town Hall
for non-public session according to RSA 91-A:3 II a (personnel)
In the fall of 2016, the Select Board signed a $70,500 contract with Avitar Associates to conduct the required revaluation of town property. According to the State of NH, revaluations need to occur at least every five years within a town. This was our lucky year. Click here to read on…
Town Hall
The Select Board will be conducting a workshop meeting at 6:00 on Wednesday to continue their review of welfare policies and procedures. The regular Select Board meeting will follow at 6:30 pm
The Select Board has made the following changes to its upcoming Board meetings:
The public hearing regarding trees at 6:00 has been cancelled.
The Public Hearing on the recently announced disbursement from the State of an additional $30 million in highway funds per SB 38 will start at 6:15.
The Select Board will be hearing from the public and property owners regarding the removal of dead trees on Baer Road, Sligo Road and Old Mill Lane at 6:00 PM at the Town Hall.
Following the Public Hearing on the removal of dead trees, the Select Board will open a public hearing (at approximately 6:15PM) regarding recently announced disbursement from the State of an additional $30 million in highway funds per SB 38.
Monday, July 31st
6:00 PM at the Town Hall
The Select Board will be working on the Welfare policy.
The Select Board has signed a contract agreement with Parker and Daughters (Pittsfield, NH) to replace the culverts on Willey St and Pine St and to repair the drain pipe at the lower mill.
Construction is scheduled to start on Willey St on Wednesday, August 1 and then proceed to the lower mill about two weeks later; Pine St will be the third and last construction site with no current estimated start date. The relevant sections of Willey and Pine Street will be closed to traffic during construction; residents will be able to access their driveways throughout.
The project is being funded by financing from the US Department of Agriculture Rural Development and by the town’s culvert reserve fund.