FYI of Construction projects happening in Rollinsford.

 You may notice many activities going on in Rollinsford recently.

Please plan ahead.

• Willey Street will be closed to traffic starting July 17th. ( est time is 2 weeks)

• Paving by NH DOT is continuing on Somersworth Rd., Rollins Road, and Silver St. 

• Later this summer Willy St will have culvert work done as well as the Lower Mill will also have drainage work.




Strafford Regional Planning Presentation

Coastal Risk and Hazards Commission Report

Monday, July 17th

6:00 PM at the Town Hall

The Select Board welcomes Kyle Pimental, Principal Regional Planner at Strafford Regional Planning, to give a presentation before the weekly Select Board meeting about the Coastal Risk and Hazards Commission’s Report.


Upcoming Select Board Meetings and Cancellations

The Select Board will meet onThursday, June 15th at 2:30pm in Non-Public Session to review elderly exemptions and veterans’ credits.
 At 3:30pm the Select Board will open and review bids for the culvert projects in public session. After opening the bids, if necessary, the Board will go back into non-public session to continue the review of exemptions and credits. The Select Board may conduct other business before returning to exemptions and credits, if deemed necessary by the Board.

The Select Board meeting of Monday, July 3rd is cancelled.

Office Closure

The Select Board Secretary’s Office will be closed Thursdays until August 3rd. If you need assistance with Welfare or assessment cards, please call to make an appointment or stop in during office hours on Monday-Wednesday or Friday. 

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Water Ban Lifted

At its meeting on Monday, May 8, the Select Board removed the water ban restrictions relating to the drought situation in NH.   Based upon the state drought monitor updated on 5/4/17, Strafford County is almost completely drought-free with only the southern reaches of the county in an “abnormally dry condition.”

The Board appreciates the cooperation of all during the water ban and encourages us all to be mindful of this most precious of resources.

Stormwater Management Projects

The Select Board has contracted with Public Water Systems Services/Scott McGlynn to provide the following services:

  • PWSS will again be conducting water quality tests at the town’s three outfalls on the Salmon Falls River, an impaired waterway:  one set of tests will be done in the spring and one set in the fall.
  • PWSS will be installing check dams in Stockdale Circle in the deep gully that flows into Partridge Lane.   PWSS will check with homeowners prior to installing the check dams if S. McGlynn needs to cross onto owners’ properties.   The check dams are not permanent installations and will be providing the town with diagnostic feedback regarding the causes of the erosion and silt depositions that happen at the outfall across from the American Legion.

We anticipate that these services, except for the fall testing, will occur in the first two weeks of May.