Public Hearing: SB2 Warrant Article




Monday, February 27, 2017

6:00 pm

Rollinsford Grade School Gymnasium

Petition Warrant Article

Public Hearing to hear testimony on the following petition warrant article, certified by Town Clerk Nesman to have 25 registered voters:

“Shall we adopt the provisions of RSA 40:13 (known as SB2) to allow official ballot voting on all issues before the Town of Rollinsford on the second Tuesday of March?”

The Select Board’s regularly scheduled meeting will follow the public hearing and also be held at Rollinsford Grade School.


Town Budget & Docs for Saturday Public Hearing

The Select Board is readying materials for the upcoming public hearings and the March town meeting.   Please check this folder for items of interest that the Select Board has added and will continue to add over the next few days in preparation for the budget committee’s public hearing on Saturday, February  11th (9:00 AM, RGS) and town meeting/voting on March 14 and 18.

Materials that are already in place:

  • Select Board’s Annual Report for 2016 (DRAFT)
  • Budget Committee’s proposed 2017 budget
  • 2017 anticipated revenue and estimated tax impact
  • Town Warrant (DRAFT)
  • Hoyle Tanner & Associates Preliminary Engineering Report on the culvert bond warrant article
  • Hoyle Tanner & Associates Preliminary Engineering Report on the transfer station improvements

Candidates for March Town Election

The filing period has ended for the Town of Rollinsford Officials.

The following residents have filed for office and will be placed on the ballot for the March Election:

Select Board: Michael Rollo

Town Treasurer: Beverly Dionne

Fire Chief: Mark Rutherford

Budget Committee: 1 year position (vote for 1)

  • Cary Boyle
  • Edmund F Jansen Jr.
  • Alan Robinson

Budget Committee: 3 year position (vote for 3)

  • Madeline Cambo
  • Charlie Dionne
  • Myles England
  • William Irving
  • Angela Matthews
  • Kim St.Hilaire

Trustee of the Trust Funds: Dana Stairs

Trustee of the Library:  Toni Talis                                                                                                                                                      •

Trustee of the Cemetery: Chris Benedetto

Public Hearing POSTPONED




Monday, February 6, 2017

Rescheduled to Monday February 13, 2017

6:00 pm

Town Hall

Proposed Warrant Articles on Motor Vehicle Fee


  1. To see if the town will vote to adopt the provisions of RSA 261:153 to collect an additional $5.00 fee for each motor vehicle registration and to deposit the entirety of such fees to the Transportation Improvement Capital Reserve Fund; and further, to set April 1, 2017 as the effective date for the collection of the fee.


  1. To see if the Town will vote to establish a Transportation Improvement Capital Reserve Fund for the purpose of supporting town transportation improvements, and to name the Select Board as agents to expend from the Transportation Improvement Capital Reserve Fund.



The public hearing will be taped and posted to the website following the meeting.



Technical Difficulties 

Please accept our apologies if you are receiving a sudden influx of emails (some outdated) from the town mailing list.

In response to complaints about email notices not being received, a fix was implemented. While successful, it pushed out notices old and new. It is now resolved. 

Town news updates are available via email, on the town website, as well as on Facebook.

Thank you for your patience.

Invitation to Bid: Sale of Surplus Vehicle

Town Of Rollinsford

Rollinsford, New Hampshire

“Sale of Surplus Vehicle Bid #2017-2” 


Sealed bid proposals, plainly marked, Sale of Surplus Vehicle Bid #2017-2 on the outside of the mailing envelope as well as the sealed bid envelope, addressed to:


Sale of Surplus Vehicles Bid #2017-2

Select Board Rollinsford Town Hall

667 Main Street, PO Box 309

Rollinsford, New Hampshire, 03869


Bids will be accepted until February 6, 2017 @ 1:00 p.m.

All bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at Select Board Meeting on February 6, 2017 at 6:30pm. There is a total of 1 vehicle to be sold as is.

2008 Chevy Impala, 6 cyl, black 163,865 miles good condition

Bid packages may be obtained from the Rollinsford Town Hall: 667 Main Street, Rollinsford, NH 03869 or can be downloaded here.

The vehicle will be sold as is. Vehicle may be viewed, and is located the at Town Hall, Main Street, Rollinsford, NH.

Roofing Projects at the Town Hall

In late fall, the Select Board was apprised of two separate leaks in town hall:  one due to the flat membrane roof on top of the police addition and one due to missing shingles on the town hall steeple. The Select Board has hired M. J. Murphy & Sons to replace the membrane roof and shingle the cupola. The project is being paid for from the 2016 budget.

Town Board & Committee Openings

Declaration of Candidacy is available at Town Office for the following positions:

  • One Select Board member and overseer of the poor for (3) three year term;
  • One Town Treasurer for (1) one year term;
  • One Chief of the Fire Department for (1) one year term;
  • Three members of the Budget Committee for (3) three year term;
  • One member of the Budget Committee for (1) one year term;
  • One Trustee of the Trust Funds for (3) three year term;
  • One Trustee of the Library Trust for (3) three year term;
  • One Trustee of the Cemetery Trust for (3) three year term.

The filing period opens January 25, 2017 and closes February 3, 2017

Town Office business hours: Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri 9-1 and Thurs 3-7pm

Special Sign-up Session will be held: Friday, February 3, 2017 from 3:00 pm – 5:00   pm