Notice from RPD: Illegal Dumping

Pan Am railroad has requested we notify residents that the dumping of grass clippings and tree debris on their property is strictly prohibited and their property is posted with no trespassing signs. Some residents of Stockdale Circle and Main Street are responsible. The railroad has instructed us to increase our enforcement of the posted property. Be aware !!

Select Board: Change in Schedule

The Select Board has decided to meet every other Monday evening rather than the current schedule of every Monday except for holidays.

This change is effective immediately. There will be no meeting on Monday, July 15th.

The Select Board’s schedule for the rest of the year is as follows:

July 22nd

August 5th

August 19th

September 9th

September 23rd

October 7th

October 21st

November 4th

November 18th

December 2nd

December 16th

December 30th

Note that all board and committee meetings are posted on the calendar on the website.

Consider Volunteering: Budget Committee

Due to a pre-term resignation, there is an open seat on the Budget Committee. Under NH RSA 32 Section 15(VII) “vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the budget committee.” The Budget Committee is requesting qualified Rollinsford residents with interest in filling the Rollinsford Budget Committee vacancy to contact the Town Administrator with a letter or email indicating they are qualified to serve as an at-large member on the budget committee (i.e., they are resident of the Town, not employed by the Town, and not a representative of other Town committees or boards that would disqualify them). Letters may be dropped off at the town office or emailed to the Select Board.

Interested candidates should indicate in the letter or email why they wish to serve on the Budget Committee and what skills and experience they would bring to the committee. The term will last until the next annual election in March 2020.

Candidates must indicate their interest in serving on the Budget Committee by Friday, July 19, 2019 at 5:00 PM. Candidates will be asked to attend a Budget Committee meeting to be held on July 24, 2019 at 6:30 PM in the Rollinsford Town Hall. Brief interviews will be held with each prospective candidate. The Budget Committee will then select one candidate to fill the vacancy.

Police Space Needs Committee Openings

The Select Board is seeking volunteers from the community to serve on the space needs committee.

 As you may recall, a proposal was brought forth to construct a police station with town offices on Silver Street. That proposal was not placed on to the ballot because the public and Select Board felt there were a number of unanswered questions that needed to be addressed. The reinstatement of the Space Needs Committee is an effort to find as many answers to those questions as possible. The charge of the Committee can be found here or at the Town office.