Budget Committee Vacancy

Due to a pre-term resignation, there is an open seat on the Budget Committee. Under NH RSA 32 Section 15(VII) “vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the budget committee.” The Budget Committee is requesting qualified Rollinsford residents with interest in filling the Rollinsford Budget Committee vacancy to contact the Town Administrator with a letter or email indicating they are qualified to serve as an at-large member on the budget committee (i.e., they are resident of the Town, not employed by the Town, and not a representative of other Town committees or boards that would disqualify them). Letters may be dropped off at the town office or emailed to the Town Administrator.

Interested candidates should indicate in the letter or email why they wish to serve on the Budget Committee and what skills and experience they would bring to the committee. The term will last until the next annual election in March 2020.

Candidates must indicate their interest in serving on the Budget Committee by Friday, April 19, 2019 at 5:00 PM. Candidates will be asked to attend a Budget Committee meeting to be held on April 24, 2019 at 6:30 PM in the Rollinsford Town Hall. Brief interviews will be held with each prospective candidate. The Budget Committee will then select one candidate to fill the vacancy.


Don’t forget! Dog licenses must be renewed by April 30!

The 2019 deadline for Dog License renewal is April 30.

If your dog was licensed last year, you should have received our renewal form by mail. To renew by mail, simply:

1. Provide a photocopy of the most current rabies certificate.
2. Include a check for the amount indicated on your renewal form.
3. Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope to receive your license.

If you have any questions, please call 742-2510 or email the Town Clerk.

For more info on the state law and a full dog license FAQ, visit our Dog License page on the town website.

All dogs three months old or older must be licensed.

Puppy (3-7 months old) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.00
Neutered or spayed dog . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $8.00
Unaltered male of female dog . . . . . . .  $10.50
Senior citizen (65+) owner . . . . . . . . . . .  $3.50*
* senior citizen discount is for the first dog, only
Kennel/Group license . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20.50
Guard, army, and police dogs  . . . . . . . . No fee**
** service dogs require certification

Contact the Town Clerk who will update your record so you don’t receive future notices.

Community Involvement Requested

The warrant article to study the feasibility of Rollinsford’s withdrawal from SAU56 passed, and the School Board is now in the process of forming a Planning Committee to do just that.

In accordance with RSA 194-C:2, the committee will be comprised of two School Board members, a member of the Budget Committee, four community members, and the superintendent. If the committee recommends withdrawal (or reorganization of the existing SAU), it will prepare a plan that complies with the requirements in section 8 of RSA 194-C:2.

With that in mind, we are now seeking four community members to participate in the committee!

If you are interested in joining the committee as a community member, please email [email protected] by April 10, 2019.

The first meeting of the committee is scheduled for May 2, 2019, time to be determined.

Thank you!

Rollinsford School Board

Select Board Meeting Change 3.25.19

Monday, March 25ththe Select Board meeting

will start at 6:00pm

at the Town Office 

The Board will meet briefly then recess to attend a training session at the Fire Department. Following the training the meeting will reconvene at the Police Department.