Public Notice: Zoning Board of Appeals Hearing

Case #: 18-02

The Rollinsford Zoning Board of Appeals will be in session on Wednesday, September 12th, 2018 at 7:00pm at the Rollinsford Town Hall to hear the following appeal:

Phil and Bonnie Jennison, 125 Baer Road, are seeking a VARIANCE to Section 7: Land Space Requirements Table, Table 7, Footnote 9 to permit a lot line adjustment between Tax Map 3, Lots 7-3 and 7-4 to allow for a 9,500 square foot exchange of land between the lots resulting in a gross area of two (2) acres per lot; and an EQUITABLE WAIVER of Dimensional Requirements, Section 7: Land Space Requirements Table, Table 7, Footnote 2 to permit the existing dwelling at 125 Baer Road to be less than 50’ setback from the Baer Road and Fresh Creek Road lot lines.

Charles Putnam, Chairman

Rollinsford Zoning Board of Appeals

Wentworth House Event 9.2.18

V for Victory: World War II Comes to the Wentworth House

Visit Rollinsford’s historic Colonel Paul Wentworth House on Sunday, September 2 between 11 am and 4 pm for V for Victory: Americans in World War II, a one-day living history event commemorating V-J Day. On that date in 1945, representatives of Imperial Japan signed surrender documents marking the official end of World War II. Come find out how US participation in the global conflict affected American military personnel and civilians.

On the grounds of the Wentworth House, historical reenactors in period uniforms will display the equipment, weapons, and routines of US soldiers. Inside the house, visitors will get a feel for life on the home front during the war through 1940s music and radio broadcasts, newsreel films and cartoons, artifacts such as ration cards and V-mail, and the magazines and newspapers that chronicled the war, including one from the day after Pearl Harbor.

Tours of the house will also be offered throughout the day. Admission is $5 for adults; the event is free to children and ARCH members.

The circa 1701 Wentworth House is located on Water Street in Rollinsford and is maintained by the Association for Rollinsford Culture and History (ARCH).  For more information about this and other events at the Wentworth House, consult the ARCH website at

Road Work 2018 – Update on Major Projects

(Please refer to this document for the Board’s original plan).

The town discovered that both the Woodlands (Woods Run, River Rd) and Roberts Farm (Heritage Dr, Moses Carr Rd) had inadequate base structures:  mostly sand, rather than gravel. This caused the Board to rethink its plan of overlaying a large section of both developments. The Board instead chose to fully reclaim both developments and add sufficient gravel to provide a base that will ensure the best longevity for the eventual top-coating.   Here is the result of this year’s work and our expectations for 2019:

Woodlands:  the development was completely reclaimed, sufficient gravel was added to bring it to current standards and a binder asphalt coat was applied.  We expect to topcoat the entire development in 2019.. Shoulder work will be completed by the Highway Department this July.

Roberts Farm:  we reclaimed the planned section with the addition of sufficient gravel to bring it to current standards and applied a binder coat.  Shoulder work will be completed by the Highway Department in July. In addition, as planned, we dug out the “roller coaster” at the beginning of Heritage Drive.  The Pike construction crew found and removed old construction debris under this section of Heritage, causng the heaving and settling that has been occurring in this part of the road.  The crew went down about six feet, removed several loads of debris and refilled the hole with good gravel and construction fabric to try to mitigate the heaving problem. We are hoping that this will slow or stop the reacurring problem.  Because of the substandard base of the entire development, we will now plan to complete a full reclamation of the remainder of Heritage and Moses Carr, add a gravel base to bring it to current standards and apply a binder coat. We expect to be able to do this in 2019 but we are unclear whether the final topcoat will be done in 2019 or delayed to 2020.

Driveway Culverts

The maintenance of driveway culverts is the responsibility of the homeowner but the town has an interest in seeing that they are installed and maintained such that they provide for sufficient drainage and are built to current standards.   The Board is working with Road Agent Guilmette on a plan to provide homeowners with culverts at cost and have the installation completed by the Highway Department. Stay tuned.

Remaining Projects for 2018

The Board is working with Road Agent Guilmette on additional minor road repairs for this year to include work on Oak Street in coordination with the City of Dover.  Please stay tuned.


Notice of Vacancy

In accordance with RSA 669:61, the Rollinsford Select Board is seeking a qualified resident to fill a vacancy on the board until the town election in March of 2019. Interested residents may submit a letter of interest, and any relevant qualifications, to the Rollinsford Select Board in writing at the town hall, or via email by August 24. The Select Board will interview qualified applicants beginning the following week.

Questions may be directed to any member of the Select Board, or to the board’s administrative assistant or at 603-742-2510.