Smoke Testing and Road Work

Tomorrow, Wednesday, May 3rd
Pike Industries is contracting with the Town of Rollinsford to do roadwork. The first step is smoke testing. Homes in the area of Foundry Street and South Street may experience smoke in their basements. This is a result of drainage pipes which will be blocked. Please call the Town Office with questions. 742-2510.

South Street will be closed at the intersection of Foundry Street. Foundry Street will be one-way from Main Street toward the American Legion. Traffic from Silver Street will be detoured to Locust Street from Wednesday, May 3rd through Friday, May 5th. 7am-6pm

Project Updates from the Select Board

Here is the status of the large projects that the Board is currently busy with. We are writing this on April 21. (If you are reading this in the newsletter distributed with the tax bill, please know that further progress will have been made on all of these projects).

Culverts and Storm Drain ($435,000 authorization with $385,000 bond authorization and $50,000 from the culvert reserve fund)

Project: Hoyle Tanner and Associates are the project engineers; they are working on the bid package that will be published soon. We expect to award the contract sometime in May and have the work begin in June. We are procuring easement rights from the affected property owners and thank them for their cooperation. We expect to complete the project by the end of October.  

Financing: the town has been approved for a 30-year loan from the USDA for upto $380,000 at 2.75% interest. The loan amount will be determined at closing based upon actual project costs.

Transfer Station Improvements ($190,000 bond authorization)

Project: the town has awarded the paving and retaining wall contract to Pike Industries for $139,685. The town has contracted with Atlantic Recycling for the purchase and installation of a new compactor and compactor canister for $30,195. The remainder of the budget will be used to fund concrete pads and the town is in the process of soliciting quotes.

Financing: the town has been approved for financing ($190,000) from the NH Municipal Bond Bank. The interest rate and term have not yet been set but we should know by the end of May.

Purchase of New Fire Engine ($450,000 bond authorization)

Project: the Select Board signed a contract with Toyne Inc of Breda, Iowa for $449,280.73, payable upon delivery of the fire engine scheduled for December-January.

DERA Grant: on April 19, the Governor and Council approved the town’s grant application through the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA). The award amount is $109,336.  

Financing: the town has been approved for financing from the NH Municipal Bond Bank ($450,000). The interest rate and term have not yet been set but we should know by the end of May. The Board has also applied to USDA Rural Development/Community Facilities; if approved the Board will consider which has the better terms. With either loan, we will not need to borrow the full authorized amount because of the DERA grant. The loan amount from either NHMBB or the USDA will be $339,944.73

Town Hall Drain ($55,000 authorized via warrant article)

CivilWorks New England is the project engineer and they guided the RFP process in February. On April 10, the Select Board awarded the contract to Gagnon Construction (Rollinsford, NH) for $38,228. Construction not yet scheduled.  

The town contracted with NP Giroux Excavating (Rollinsford NH) to do interior repair work in the RPD and it has been completed for $2,250.

Road Work ($225,000 authorized via warrant article, $75,000 in operating budget)

The town contracted with Pike Construction for the road work on Pinch Hill Rd and Foundry St (with under-drain installed at the corner of Foundry and South). The amount of the contract is $292,293 and the work is scheduled to start before the end of April.

RPD Space Needs

The Board conducted a workshop on April 8 and has appointed a space needs committee that will report to the Board on June 12 with a preliminary recommendation. The Board will schedule a public hearing shortly thereafter to solicit citizen input. The committee members are: Chief Ducharme, Lt. Uraskevich, Michael Rollo (ex officio, Board), Bill Irving, Denise Knowles, Kim St. Hilaire, Charlie Putnam, Howard Hammond.

PARKING BAN April 24th & April 25th

The Town of Rollinsford has declared a Temporary Parking Ban for Monday, April 24, from 700 am to 530 pm to allow for safe and unrestricted street sweeping operations.  The following streets will be affected:  Front Street, South Street, Cross Street, Second Street, Third Street, Fourth Street, Foundry Street, and Church Street.

The Town of Rollinsford has declared a Temporary Parking Ban for Tuesday, April 25, from 700 am to 530 pm to allow for safe and unrestricted street sweeping operations. The following streets will be affected:  Locust Street, Willey Street, Prospect Street, Mechanic Street, Spruce Street, Settlement Circle, Stockdale Circle, Pine Street, and Beccaris Drive.

Vehicles found hindering street sweeping operations will be ticketed and towed at the owner’s expense.

Road Work To Start Soon

Pike Industries will be starting road work on behalf of the town as early as next week and will continue until approximately the middle of May.

Work is to take place on Foundry Street and Pinch Hill Road. Those roads as well as South Street at the corner of Foundry Street will be closed as needed during construction. Access will be maintained for residents to their homes. All other traffic will be directed to seek an alternate route. We appreciate your patience as we make improvements in town.

Questions can be directed to the Town Office 742-2510


Creation of Low-Salt Area on General John Sullivan Way

At its meeting of 3/27, the  Select Board met with Michael Trainque, consulting engineer for the Rollinsford Water and Sewer District, regarding the district’s request to create a low-salt area on General John Sullivan Way in order to help protect the newly opened WSD well.

After reviewing with Engineer Trainque and Road Agent St. Jean, the Board agreed to create the low-salt area.   Our road agent will coordinate with the Rollinsford WSD for the installation of road signs to indicate the area.  Attached (or linked) with this notice is the diagram of the well and the extent of the low-salt area (approximately 712 linear feet).

The Select Board will also work with Road Agent St. Jean later this year to review the possibility of trimming back the tree canopy to allow more sunlight on the road, enabling better melting via natural means.

1777 Home-Front Event at Wentworth House

When we think about the American Revolution, images of soldiers with muskets come to mind. But how did the war affect the daily lives of civilians and the families left at home? Explore this lesser told side of American history at 1777 Home-Front, a two-day living history event at Rollinsford’s historic Colonel Paul Wentworth House on Saturday and Sunday, April 29 and 30.

It is April 1777, two years into the war, and town residents are meeting at the Wentworth House to gather supplies and clothing to send to the army, while the Colonel’s family tends to the everyday tasks of maintaining the house and its grounds. Historical re-enactors portraying Wentworth family members and their neighbors will bring this moment in history to life as they prepare meals from the hearth to the table, tend to the gardens, discuss the events of the day, and sew clothing and other much-needed supplies for the troops. Each day will also see visits by local vendors, merchants, army recruiters, and men of the town preparing for the impending call to arms.

Visitors to the event will experience the sights and sounds of a household during the American Revolution, and can tour a home which has stood through three centuries of American history. This event will run from 10 am to 4 pm on both days. Admission is $5 for the general public; free for children and members of ARCH.

The circa 1701 Wentworth House is located on Water Street in Rollinsford, NH and is maintained by the Association for Rollinsford Culture and History (ARCH).  For more information about this and other events at the Wentworth House, consult the ARCH website at or on Facebook at The Colonel Paul Wentworth House.


The Highway Department will be working with Mick Construction to remove snow from Main Street and the Downtown Area from 7pm Monday evening through 7am Tuesday morning.


We appreciate your cooperation.

Public Hearing POSTPONED




Monday, February 6, 2017

Rescheduled to Monday February 13, 2017

6:00 pm

Town Hall

Proposed Warrant Articles on Motor Vehicle Fee


  1. To see if the town will vote to adopt the provisions of RSA 261:153 to collect an additional $5.00 fee for each motor vehicle registration and to deposit the entirety of such fees to the Transportation Improvement Capital Reserve Fund; and further, to set April 1, 2017 as the effective date for the collection of the fee.


  1. To see if the Town will vote to establish a Transportation Improvement Capital Reserve Fund for the purpose of supporting town transportation improvements, and to name the Select Board as agents to expend from the Transportation Improvement Capital Reserve Fund.



The public hearing will be taped and posted to the website following the meeting.