Proposed Warrant Articles on Motor Vehicle Fee




Monday, February 6, 2017

6:00 pm

Town Hall

Proposed Warrant Articles on Motor Vehicle Fee

  1. To see if the town will vote to adopt the provisions of RSA 261:153 to collect an additional $5.00 fee for each motor vehicle registration and to deposit the entirety of such fees to the Transportation Improvement Capital Reserve Fund; and further, to set April 1, 2017 as the effective date for the collection of the fee.
  1. To see if the Town will vote to establish a Transportation Improvement Capital Reserve Fund for the purpose of supporting town transportation improvements, and to name the Select Board as agents to expend from the Transportation Improvement Capital Reserve Fund.

The public hearing will be taped and posted to the website following the meeting.

Reminder: Bond Hearing TOMORROW

Saturday, January 21, 2017, 9:00 am
Rollinsford Grade School Gymnasium
Locust Street, Rollinsford, NH
2017 Proposed Bond Warrant Articles

The Select Board will hold Public Hearings pursuant to NH RSA 33:8-a,I on Saturday, January 21, 2017 commencing at 9:00 a.m. at the Rollinsford Grade School Gymnasium, Locust Street, Rollinsford, in order to receive public comments on the following proposed bond issues:
1. A bond issue in the approximate amount of $450,000 to purchase a new fire engine.
2. A bond issue in the approximate amount of $385,000 to finance culvert repairs.
3. A bond issue in the approximate amount of $190,000 for repairs and improvements to the transfer station

Public Hearing: Proposed Bond Warrant Articles

Saturday, January 21, 2017, 9:00 am
Rollinsford Grade School Gymnasium
Locust Street, Rollinsford, NH
2017 Proposed Bond Warrant Articles
The Select Board will hold Public Hearings pursuant to NH RSA 33:8-a,I on Saturday, January 21, 2017 commencing at 9:00 a.m. at the Rollinsford Grade School Gymnasium, Locust Street, Rollinsford, in order to receive public comments on the following proposed bond issues:
1. A bond issue in the approximate amount of $450,000 to purchase a new fire engine.
2. A bond issue in the approximate amount of $385,000 to finance culvert repairs. 
3. A bond issue in the approximate amount of $190,000 for repairs and improvements to the transfer station

Parking Stalls in Village District

The town’s road agent recently oversaw the painting of parking stalls throughout the village district.   The Board approved the repainting of parking stalls as they originally existed in the village; the expansion of parking stalls was not planned by the Board and the Board regrets the lapse in communication that led to the expansion.   We understand and see that several of these stalls abut quite closely to resident driveways.

As in so many municipal situations, interests and concerns are conflicting and competing.  While the Board may or may not have agreed to the expanded parking stalls had they discussed this as a projected plan, we now feel that they provide an organization to the parking in the village that, while not perfect, is an overall improvement.   Additionally, plans to remove or adjust them would carry a cost that the Board is not ready to assume.

We ask affected residents for their patience in living with the change and hope that it becomes manageable for all.


There will be a parking ban in effect on October 31st from 7.30am till 6pm in the down town area. This will include: Front Street, South Street, Cross Street, Second Street, Third Street and Fourth Street. This will be to do line striping on the newly paved roads.

10 Year Road Plan: MEETING NOTICE

The Select Board and Road Agent Jeff St. Jean have been working with the Strafford Regional Planning Commission to pilot the Road Surface Management Systems (RSMS) developed by UNH’s Technology Transfer Center. A ten-year road plan (draft) was reviewed by the board and we are now ready to share this draft with the public.

The Select Board will host a public information session on the road plan on October 27, 6:30 pm at the Town Hall.

The plan is available on the town website.