Town and Police Response to a Recent Police Incident

We appreciate the concern for the individual who was recently involved in an incident in Rollinsford. The Town of Rollinsford and the Rollinsford Police Department are committed to assuring for the public that the situation was handled in a professional, non-biased manner based upon the information known during the incident. Unfortunately, because this is an ongoing investigation we are not allowed to disclose any specific information about the incident.

We are aware that a fake Rollinsford Police Department Facebook page has been set up and we strongly disagree with the content posted by its creator.

The officer who is accused of abusing his wife has never been employed by the Rollinsford Police Department. He works for a neighboring department which is conducting its own investigation. The case is now being handled by the Strafford County Attorney’s Office and is out the hands of Rollinsford Police. The Rollinsford Police Department has demonstrated in the past that it does not and will not protect police officers. If there is probable cause to make an arrest, that person will be arrested regardless of who they are.

The Town is engaging with an outside agency to conduct a review of how this case was managed by our Police Department to assure we are continuing to meet our own high standards of equity, dignity, and respect for all those with whom we come into contact. The report of that investigation will be made available to the public as soon as possible. The Rollinsford Police Department has always treated all persons with courtesy and professionalism.


Robert Ducharme, Chief of Police

Denise Knowles, Select Board Chairperson

Myles England, Select Board

Paul Cass, Select Board

New Signage for Police Range

The Town has installed signs at the two main entrances to Scoutland (Scoutland Rd & Greenview Dr) to notify users of Scoutland if the police range is being used or not.

Generally the police range is scheduled to be used on Tuesdays, however there may be an occasion where it is being used on another day.


Message from the Rollinsford Police Department:

With our neighbors starting to lose their jobs, we would like to assist the Seeds of Faith Food Pantry in the collection of donations of non perishable food items and toiletries. Starting this Saturday and every Saturday thereafter from 9 am to 12 pm, the PD will be available to receive donations. Items may be dropped off at our garage door and someone will then bring them inside to be delivered to the pantry. If you are able to make a monetary donation, please place the check made out to the RPBA in the secure drop box at the front door of the town hall or mail to the RPD, PO Box 438. If you can spare anything it will certainly help out your neighbor who may not be so lucky during this trying time. Thank you.

Snow Removal Reminders

Now that we are in snow season, residents are reminded that the pushing or placing of snow from driveways across or onto public ways or sidewalks is prohibited by NH RSA 236:20 and Town Ordinance # 15.01, and carries a minimum fine of $100.00.

Jessica’s Law requires all motorists to remove all snow from their vehicles prior to travelling on a public way. The fine for this offense is a minimum of $310.00. Please remove all snow off your vehicle.

Parking Bans

Parking Ban Monday

Rollinsford Highway Department will begin street sweeping operations in the downtown area on Monday, November 18, beginning at 7 am.  A parking ban will be in effect at that time. No on street parking will be allowed.

Winter Parking Ban

The winter parking ban goes into effect November 15 and prohibits vehicles from being parked on any street between 12 am and 6 am, regardless of the weather conditions. Vehicles found in violation of the winter parking ban are subject to ticketing and towing at the owner’s expense. Vehicles found hindering snow removal operations will be ticketed and towed at the owner’s expense.