Supervisors of the Checklist Meetings

The Supervisors of the Checklist Will Be Holding Virtual Meetings using Google Meet as Follows:

Friday, May 22nd at 10:30 am
Meeting link:
To join by phone call: 1 401-903-3331‬ PIN: ‪346 751 024‬#‬‬

Tuesday, June 2nd at 7:00pm
Meeting link:
To join by phone call: 1 501-991-4121‬ PIN: ‪981 793 951‬#‬‬

If you wish to change party affiliation for September elections the last time to do so is Supervisors Meeting at 7:00 p.m. on June 2nd. Change Affiliation forms are available by contacting town hall and asking to have a form mailed to you. You may also print out the attached form and return it in an envelope marked Supervisors of Checklists to the town hall drop box by June 2nd.

There is no physical location for these meetings.


The Rollinsford Zoning Board of Appeals will be in session on Thursday, May 21st, 2020 at 7:00pm at the Rollinsford Town Hall to hear the following appeal:

Case #: 20-03

Paul Martel, 92 Old Mill Lane is seeking a VARIANCE from Section Multiple Dwellings, Two-Family Dwellings, Accessory Dwellings and Renting of Rooms in accordance with Section to allow for the construction of an accessory dwelling unit in an unattached structure at Tax Map 3, Lot 7-1 located at 92 Old Mill Lane.

In accordance with Emergency Order #17: Closure of non-essential businesses and requiring Granite Staters’ to stay at home, the Rollinsford ZBA will be meeting remotely. The public is encouraged to access this public meeting by video link or phone vie Google Meets. The meeting can be accessed via this link: or by phone at: +1 646-653-2102 (PIN: 466462437)

The Board encourages members of the public to submit comments for meetings in writing either by email or postal mail addressed to: Rollinsford Zoning Board of Adjustment, PO Box 309, Rollinsford, NH 03869.


Charles Putnam, Chairman

Rollinsford Zoning Board of Adjustment

New Signage for Police Range

The Town has installed signs at the two main entrances to Scoutland (Scoutland Rd & Greenview Dr) to notify users of Scoutland if the police range is being used or not.

Generally the police range is scheduled to be used on Tuesdays, however there may be an occasion where it is being used on another day.

Sligo Road Closure

Road work including paving will be taking place on Sligo Road throughout the month of May. The road will be closed during the day from Pinch Hill Road to Portland Avenue. Please seek an alternate route. The farm will remain open and accessible.

Reminder: Dog Licenses DUE APRIL 30

The deadline for Dog License renewal is April 30.

If your dog was licensed last year, you should have received a renewal form by mail. To renew by mail, simply:

1. Provide a photocopy of the most current rabies certificate.
2. Include a check for the amount indicated on your renewal form.
3. Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope to receive your license.

If you have any questions, please call 742-2510 or email the Town Clerk.

For more info on the state law and a full dog license FAQ, visit our Dog License page on the town website.

All dogs three months old or older must be licensed.

Puppy (3-7 months old) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.00
Neutered or spayed dog . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $8.00
Unaltered male of female dog . . . . . . .  $10.50
Senior citizen (65+) owner . . . . . . . . . . .  $3.50*
* senior citizen discount is for the first dog, only
Kennel/Group license . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20.50
Guard, army, and police dogs  . . . . . . . . No fee**
** service dogs require certification

Contact the Town Clerk who will update your record so you don’t receive future notices.