6th Grade Informational Forum

Monday, October 28, 2019
6:30 PM
Rollinsford Grade School Gym

Please join us for a public forum to discuss the feasibility of sending our 6th graders to Marshwood. The purpose of the forum is to hear from you all and answer your questions or concerns.

A panel of experts will take questions and provide information on:

– The advantages of students remaining in a K-6 environment
– The advantages of students entering middle school for 6th grade
– The financial impact of sending 6th grade to Marshwood

There will be plenty of time for questions and comments from the public. We look forward to seeing everyone there!

Trick or Treat 2019

Trick or Treat is scheduled for Wednesday, October 30th, 6 pm-8 pm.

The Police Department will be delivering reflective Halloween bags and glow sticks to the students at RGS.  The PD will be open for Trick or Treat and will have goodies for the kids.  Officers in the cruisers will also have goodies for the kids.
We remind all to be safe on Trick or Treat.  Only go to those homes with outside lights on, and have parents check candy before eating it.  Watch for vehicles as you travel down or across any roads.  The drivers may not see the children in the costumes.

Update from RPD: Recent Burglaries

The Town of Rollinsford is now being targeted for burglaries. In two weeks there have been 3: Rollins Road, Somersworth Road, & Beccaris Drive. Additionally we have received 2 reports of someone going to a home late at night, ringing the doorbell and then fleeing: Somersworth Road and Heritage Drive.

We have been diligent in stopping people and vehicles who appear to be out of place. We ask that you report ANY unusual activity to us immediately.

If you have a home surveillance system and have video of anything unusual around your home or the road in front of your home, we ask that you forward it to Chief Robert Ducharme at [email protected].

Thank you.

Planning Board Meeting Change

Due to a scheduling conflict, the regularly scheduled meeting of the Rollinsford Planning Board to have been held on Tuesday, November 5, 2019 has been moved to the Thursday, November 14, 2019. The meeting will be held at 7pm in the Town Hall.