Police Chief Appointment

The Select Board is pleased to announce that effective Monday, March 29, 2021, Jonathan Uraskevich is the new Chief of Police for the Town of Rollinsford. Today begins a new era for the Rollinsford Police Department under the capable leadership of Chief Uraskevich. The Select Board is looking forward to working with the Chief and implementing common goals.

Congratulations Chief!

Police Chief Selection Announcement



RE: Police Chief Selection

March 18, 2021

ROLLINSFORD – The Rollinsford Select Board is pleased to announce the Board’s unanimous decision to promote Lieutenant Jonathan Uraskevich to Police Chief pending negotiation of terms of employment and compensation.

A lifelong resident of New Hampshire, Jon graduated from Nute High School before beginning his career as a Police Officer in Milton, New Hampshire. In 2002 he was appointed as a full-time Patrol Officer with the Rollinsford Police Department.  In 2005, he was promoted to Patrol Sergeant, and to Lieutenant in 2012.  During Jon’s time as an officer in Rollinsford, he has built strong relationships within the community on patrol, as a prosecutor, and as an executive leader.

Jon was selected after an internal process to replace Police Chief Robert Ducharme, who retired December 31st.

The Rollinsford Select Board looks forward to working with Jon in the best interest of the Town of Rollinsford and the Rollinsford Police Department.

Select Board Meeting 3.18.21

There will a meeting of the Select Board Thursday, March 18th at 6:00 pm. There is no physical location to listen and observe the meeting. The public may join via THIS LINK

or by calling 1 929 205 6099 PIN: ‪91390013191#

The Recreation Committee meeting scheduled for that night has been moved to 7:00 pm.

Upcoming Meetings 3.18.21-3.25.21

Rec Meeting, Thursday, March 18 at 6pm

The public is welcome to join the meeting by following THIS LINK  or by calling 1-929-205-6099,

Meeting ID: 981 9616 1328 Passcode: 270923

Select Board Meeting, Monday, March 22 at 6pm

The public is welcome to join the meeting by following THIS LINK or by calling 1-929-205-6099,

Meeting ID: 994 9536 4441 Passcode: 990611

ZBA Meeting, Thursday, March 25 at 7pm

The public is welcome to join the meeting by following THIS LINK or by calling 1-929-205-6099,

Meeting ID: 933 3211 0399Passcode: 841839


Meetings 2.25-3.1

Recreation Committee Meeting: Thursday, February 25 at 6:30pm The public is welcome to join the meeting by following THIS LINK or by calling +1 732-820-7176 PIN: 311383821#.

Supervisors of the Checklist Meeting: Saturday, February 27 from 11:00 to 11:30 a.m Members of the public wishing to join the meeting can do so via Zoom HERE. Voters wishing to change party affiliation may do so at Town Elections on June 8.

Select Board Meeting: Monday, March 1 at 6PM The public is welcome to join the meeting by following THIS LINK or by calling +1 929 205 6099 Meeting ID: 994 9536 4441 Passcode: 990611

 Upcoming Meetings February 2021

Select Board Meeting, Monday, February 8 at 6pm (The public is welcome to join the meeting by following this link or by calling 1-929-205-6099, Meeting ID: 994 9536 4441 Passcode: 990611) 

Conservation Commission Meeting, Tuesday, February 9 at 6pm
Join Zoom Meeting by going to this link or by calling 1-929-205-6099, Meeting ID: 970 8174 8147

Zoning Board of Appeals, Thursday, February 11 at 7pm
Join Zoom Meeting by going to this link or by phone at: +1 (301) 715-8592; Meeting ID: 930 6473 5554 Passcode: 192382

Rec Committee Meeting, Thursday, February 18 at 6:30pm (The public is welcome to join the meeting by following this link or by calling 1-929-205-6099, Meeting ID: 970 8292 2761) 

Select Board Meeting, Monday, February 22 at 6pm (The public is welcome to join the meeting by following this link or by calling 1-929-205-6099, Meeting ID: 994 9536 4441 Passcode: 990611) 

Rollinsford Public Library Trustees Meeting, Tuesday, February 23 at 6pm (The public is welcome to join the meeting by following this link or by calling 1- 929-205- 6099, Meeting ID: 955 8679 1267, Passcode: 706065) 

Zoning Board of Appeals, Thursday, February 25 at 7pm
Join Zoom Meeting by going to this link or by phone at: +1 929 205 6099; Meeting ID: 933 3211 0399 Passcode: 841839

Planning Board Meeting, Tuesday, March 2 at 7pm (The public is welcome to join the meeting by following this link or by calling 1-301-715-8592, passcode 250770, meeting ID 988 4389 5900) 

Last Day for Declaration of Candidacy

Today is the final day to file a Declaration of Candidacy for Town Boards and Committees as well as School Board and School District positions

Additional can be found below, and also on the Town Website.

Declaration of Candidacy is available at the Town Office for the following positions:

• One Select Board member and overseer of the poor for a (3) three-year term
• One Town Clerk for a (3) three-year term
• One Town Treasurer for a (1) one-year term
• One Town Moderator for a (1) one-year term
• Three members of the Budget Committee for (3) three-year terms
• One Trustee of the Trust Funds for a (3) three-year term
• One Trustee of the Library Trust for a (3) three-year term
• One Trustee of the Cemetery for a (3) three-year term

The filing period opens Wednesday, January 20, 2021 and closes Friday, January 29, 2021.
If you are interested in declaring your candidacy for any of these positions, please call (603) 742-2510 or send an e-mail. We can then schedule a time for you to come to Town Hall to fill out an official declaration of candidacy form.

A Special Sign-up Session will be also held at Town Hall from 3:00 to 5:00pm on Friday, January 29, 2021.

Rollinsford School District
Legal Notice

The filing period for the following Rollinsford School District officers begins on January 20, 2021 and closes January 29, 2021. Applications will be available Monday through Friday from 8:00AM-4:00PM at: 

SAU 56
51 West High Street
Somersworth, NH 03878

Potential Candidates can also make an appointment with the Rollinsford Town Clerk, Dan Cullity by calling 603-742-2510 or by emailing.

Rollinsford Town Hall will also be open on January 29, 2021 from 3:00PM-5:00PM to submit an application. 

Applications can be found online here

Open Positions 

School District Moderator- One Year 

School District Clerk- One Year 

School District Treasurer- One Year 

School Board Members-Two (2) Three Year 

Declaration of Candidacy for Town Offices/Boards/Committees

Declaration of Candidacy is available at the Town Office for the following positions:

• One Select Board member and overseer of the poor for a (3) three-year term
• One Town Clerk for a (3) three-year term
• One Town Treasurer for a (1) one-year term
• One Town Moderator for a (1) one-year term
• Three members of the Budget Committee for (3) three-year terms
• One Trustee of the Trust Funds for a (3) three-year term
• One Trustee of the Library Trust for a (3) three-year term
• One Trustee of the Cemetery for a (3) three-year term

The filing period opens Wednesday, January 20, 2021 and closes Friday, January 29, 2021.
If you are interested in declaring your candidacy for any of these positions, please call (603) 742-2510 or send an e-mail. We can then schedule a time for you to come to Town Hall to fill out an official declaration of candidacy form.

A Special Sign-up Session will be also held at Town Hall from 3:00 to 5:00pm on Friday, January 29, 2021.

Anticipated Openings

There are several Town Officer positions opening up in 2021. If you’d like to run for Town Office, keep an eye out for the upcoming declaration of candidacy notice that will soon be appearing on the town website, at the Post Office, and on the door of Town Hall.

There will be open positions on the Select Board and Budget Committee. There will also be the following openings as well: Town Clerk, Town Moderator, Town Treasurer, Trustee of the Trust Funds, Trustee of the Library, and Trustee of the Cemetery.

Feel free to reach out to the Town Clerk with any questions.