Political Signage

Our local elections are upon us. In light of that, the Select Board would like to remind residents that, per RSA 664:17,  no political advertising shall be placed on, or affixed to, any public property including highway rights-of-way; nor shall they be placed on private property without the owner’s consent. The town reserves the right to remove such signs on public property.

The full statute is as follows:

664:17 Placement and Removal of Political Advertising. No political advertising shall be placed on or affixed to any public property including highway rights-of-way or private property without the owner’s consent. All political advertising shall be removed by the candidate no later than the second Friday following the election unless the election is a primary and the advertising concerns a candidate who is a winner in the primary. Signs shall not be placed on or affixed to utility poles or highway signs. Political advertising may be placed within state-owned rights-of-way as long as the advertising does not obstruct the safe flow of traffic and the advertising is placed with the consent of the owner of the land over which the right-of-way passes. No person shall remove, deface, or knowingly destroy any political advertising which is placed on or affixed to public property or any private property except for removal by the owner of the property, persons authorized by the owner of the property, or a law enforcement officer removing improper advertising. Political advertising placed on or affixed to any public property may be removed by state, city, or town maintenance or law enforcement personnel. Political advertising removed prior to election day by state, city, or town maintenance or law enforcement personnel shall be kept until one week after the election at a place designated by the state, city or town so that the candidate may retrieve the items.

Select Board Meeting 2.20.18

The Select Board will be having a meeting on Tuesday night, February 20th following the public hearing on the petition warrant article (SB2).

The meeting will start with non-public legal and be followed by other business.

Select Board Public Hearing

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

6:00 PM at the Rollinsford Town Hall

The Select Board will be holding a hearing regarding a petition warrant article received to be placed on the ballot in March:

Shall we adopt the provisions of RSA 40:13 (known as SB2) to allow official ballot voting on all issues before the Town of Rollinsford on the second Tuesday of March?

Safety Issues on Portland Avenue

The Select Board is once again reviewing safety issues on Portland Avenue and has invited Traffic Engineer William Lambert from the NH Department of Transportation to review these issues with the Board on Monday, January 22, as part of the Board’s regular Monday meeting.    We hope to start this part of the meeting close to 7:00.


As always, the public can attend all meetings of the Select Board but please note that this is not a public hearing.   We may choose to open up the meeting for a very brief time for some public comments but we will also be cognizant of the need to return to the rest of our business agenda.